Coach’s Log: Paul Yetter of T2 Aquatics (with video)

T2 Aquatics Head Coach Paul Yetter has been part of 7 USA National team staffs and shares his workouts and thoughts online, most recently at I asked him to share some of his workouts for our SwimSwam Coach’s Log and he was kind enough to not only provide some workouts and a brief written explanation, but he also answered some of my questions in a SwimSwam Skype Interview. The video is a little bit lengthy, but I think there is a ton of great insight if you have 26 minutes to geek out. If you would like to add to our SwimSwam Coach’s Log email me at [email protected].

From Paul:
The first 3 practices were used by Erika Erndl and Ksen Golovkina — my “Post Grad group”.  Some Seniors did the first one as well.  The first one is Kick, Pull, and over all somewhat aerobic for a post-grad.  We do a little bit of Stroke Count 50s to set up a set later this week.  The second one is a resistance workout….which is all timed by me, and I take stroke rates on all repeats.  The weight in the “Tubbs” (Buckets) is determined by me and is pretty light, allowing for high enough tempos so that the stroke used is at least close to “race stroke”.  The third one is an Active Rest set, which on this day was pretty short…but effective.  Normally the sets are longer than 600M, but we’re I err on the side of less fast stuff with my post-grads.  I take what I can get, and pack up and get ready for the next day.
{For Post-Grads…we tend to repeat Monday’s general plan on Wednesday, then take a 3500yard recovery practice on Thursday.  Friday we have done a big kick set and some speed stuff so far this year, but we’re going to add a thrid resistance day for the next 6 weeks on Fridays…then Saturdays are usually Stroke Speed Endurance at this time of year….Sundays are optional for post-grads and right now my post-grads are opting out.}
The next practice that is attatched is our Senior Practice from Tuesday, and is pretty normal for the type of Aerobic Practice I do with 85% of my Senior Group.  They have to descend #1,4,7, as well as #2,5,8, as well as #3,6,9.  You can’t do it any other way, and it’s really tough to do!

Monday January 7, 2013 – 6am LCM

Post Grad/ Senior Mixed Practice


3x:                  200 Free {50R 50L} + 150 {100 Kick + 50 Drill Free} + 100 Drill IM + 50 {25 human stroke + 25 scull on Back}


3x:                  100 Swim (150) + 3×100 Kick —                   Round 1 (145) / Round 2 (140) / Round 3 (135)

OR Round 1 (2) / Round 2 (155) / Round 3 (150)


4x:                  35 Back + 15 M DBL Arm Back + 50 Evolution Drill {Round 3 & 4 with PB}

Or 2x for B Kicking Group


3x:                  4×100 Pull —                   Round 1 (125) / Round 2 (120) / Round 3 (115) – Group 18 & Under A

Extra 15 after Round 1 / Extra 20 after Round 2

Round 1 (130) / Round 2 (125) / Round 3 (120) – Group Post Grad + 18 & Under B

Extra 20 after round 1 / Extra 30 after Round 2


1×200 easy / 4800


18 & Under A                                                      Post Grad A + 18 & Under B                                    Post Grad B


5 rounds:                                                      4 rounds:                                                                        3×200 Free IM (310)

3×50 (45) Moderate                                    3×50 (55) Mixed                                                                        3×200 IM (3)

+                                                                        rest 15                                                                                          rest 30

2×50 (50) Fast                                                      1×50 (1) Stroke Count / Time                                    3×200 Free (250)

Odd rounds 25s / Evens 50s*


150 easy                                                                        200 easy  + Weights                                                      200 easy


Monday 1.7.13 – 2:45pm SCY

Post Grad Resistance Practice


5×200 SKIPS


8×50 (1)                  25 Drill + 25 Swim


4x Tubbs (130)                                    8×25 Chute (45)                                    VT Kick 15/30 x6

7 minutes per round {21}

3x Tubbs (130)                                    6×25 Chute (50)                                    VT Kick 15/45 x4

6 minutes per round {18}

2x Tubbs (130)                                    4×25 Chute (1)                                    X

5 minutes per round {10}


FINS 8×25 (40) easy / Fast


200 easy


Tuesday January 8, 2013 – 8am LCM

Post Grad Active Rest Practice



100 Free (130) – 50R 50L

50 Kick (1) — mixed

50 Drill (1) – 1 of each

50 PB (1) — 5th


4x “Phantom Wall  (45)                  2 Kick-Kick + 2 Kick-Swim


16×25 (40)                  #1 12.5 fast / #2 scull on Back / #3 Build / #4 Thumb Lock Kick into fast 5 stroke finish


3×200 Paddles/Fins (3)


1×300 {50 Free + 50 Stroke Drill}


1x:                  50 Free (55) + 50 Stroke* Dive (105)

2x:                  50 Free (1) + 50 Stroke** Dive (105)

3x:                  50 Free (105) + 50 Stroke*** Dive (105)


1×300 {50 Free + 25 Stroke Drill}


FINS 8×100 (R30) Quarters


Swim Down TBD + Dryland


Tuesday January 8, 2013 – 4:15pm SCY

Senior Practice


5×200 SKIPS


12×50 (55) Drill-Swim – 3 of each: Fly-Back; Back-Breast; Breast-Free; Free-Fly



100 IM (120)                                                      Descend each discipline 1-3*

100 Free IM (120)

100 Free (120)


300 Mix {50 Free + 25 Stroke Drill 1 of each}



300 IM (4)                                                      Descend each discipline 1-3*

300 Free IM (4)

300 Free (4)


300 easy {50 Free + 25 Stroke Drill 1 of each}



100 Free Swim (130)

100 Free Swim-Stroke Kick (130)

100 Stroke Kick (130)                                     Kick = Fast Descend 1-3*


300 easy with underwater and opposite turns


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11 years ago

what is mean Phantom Wall and what is the mean and target Active Rest ?

12 years ago

thanks great coach

12 years ago

awesome clarifying questions Garrett! You definitely know what to ask to get to the premise & purpose of WO/sets so that any coach can adapt principle to their own style! Very insightful & helpful!


12 years ago

If you enjoyed coach Yetter’s workouts, please check his profile on our website where he shares a lot more of what he does at T2 Aquatics.

About Garrett McCaffrey

No one lives the sport of swimming like Garrett McCaffrey. A Division I swimmer who spent 4 years covering the sport as a journalist, now coaches club swimming and competes as a masters swimmer, Garrett truly lives the sport of swimming. After graduating from University of Missouri’s award winning journalism program …

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