Tomoru Honda Si Impone Nei 200m Farfalla Al Konami Open 2025
Il Konami Open 2025, ospitato presso il Tokyo Aquatics Centre, ha visto la conclusione della seconda giornata di gare con prestazioni di rilievo
Olympic Medalist Tomoru Honda Logs In-Season 1:55.66 200 Fly At Konami Open
2020 Olympic silver medalist Tomoru Honda kicked off his 2025 year of racing with a speedy in-season 1:55.66 200 fly at the Konami Open.
Genki Terakado Hits Early Season 1:54.73 LCM 200 Fly At Kosuke Kitajima Cup
Olympian Genki Terakado of Japan made some noise on day two of the 2025 Kosuke Kitajima Cup, hitting a world #1 time of 1:54.73 in the 200m fly.
arena Swim of the Week: 15-Year-Old Umi Ishizuka Drops 2:08.54 200 Fly In Australia
Ishizuka’s time is one of the fastest we’ve ever seen from a 15-year-old, with only a few select names ahead of her.
La Squadra Giapponese Per Budapest Capitanata Da Daya Seto
La nazionale giapponese si presenterà a Budapest con 19 nuotatori, tra cui il pluricampione mondiale Daiya Seto e molti giovani prospetti.