Paul Biedermann

David Popovici Moves Up World Rankings With 1:45.10 200 Free At Romanian Nationals

19-year-old freestyle ace David Popovici topped the men’s 200m podium tonight in his native Romania, clocking 1:45.10 for a new season-best.


SwimSwam’s Top 100 For 2024: Men’s #40-31

Hwang Sunwoo isn’t a clear-cut favorite for Olympic gold in the 200 free, but there’s no question he’s in the hunt after three straight years in the 1:44s.


Anteprime Mondiali Nuoto 2024: I 400 Metri Stile Libero Maschili

Immergiamoci nell’atmosfera dei Campionati Mondiali di Doha 2024 con le nostre consuete anteprime: I 200 metri stile libero maschili

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SwimSwam Pulse: 45% Think 14:30 In 1500 Free Most Likely Men’s Barrier To Fall

After an epic duel in the 1500 free at the 2023 World Championships, Ahmed Hafnaoui and Bobby Finke could have the 14:30 barrier within reach in 2024.


SwimSwam Pulse: 55.2% Pick 2011 Worlds 200 IM As Favorite Phelps/Lochte Showdown

At the 2011 World Championships, Ryan Lochte broke the world record and Michael Phelps swam his lifetime best in the 200 IM in one of the greatest races ever.


La Staffetta “Jason Lezak” E’ Adesso Il Record Del Mondo Più Vecchio Del Nuoto

La staffetta maschile USA della 4×100 metri stile libero maschili è attualmente il record del mondo più vecchio nel nuoto

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Swammy Awards: Nuotatore Rivelazione Del 2023-Sam Short

I candidati per questo riconoscimento non mancavano, tuttavia, il nuotatore che spicca su tutti è l’australiano Sam Short.

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A Twist of Fate Kept Ian Thorpe Away From World Trade Center On September 11, 2001

The five-time Olympic champion went for an early morning run and was headed to the WTC’s observation deck when he realized he had forgotten his camera.


Le Prestazioni Dell’Era Del Gommato Sono Ancora In Anticipo Sui Tempi?

L’epoca dei costumoni ha segnato lo sport del nuoto e le prestazioni realizzate erano sicuramente in anticipo sui tempi. Ma ora?

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Are Super-Suit Era Swims Still Ahead of Their Time?

After the onslaught of world records we saw in 2008 and 2009, swimming appears to have finally caught up to the times we saw with the super suits.


Where the Name Michael Phelps Still Appears in the Record Books

Though Michael Phelps no longer holds an individual World Record, he still holds Olympic, American, National Age Group, and meet records.


With Phelps’ 4IM Record Done and Dusted, What’s the New Oldest Record?

With Leon Marchand handily dismissing Michael Phelps’ 400 IM World Record, we dive into the books to see what the new oldest record remaining is.


Fukuoka 2023, Day 1 Africa Recap – Hafnaoui Leads the Way with Continental Record

Claiming silver in the 400 free with a new African Record, Ahmed Hafnaoui was one of several swimmers from the continent that broke national records on Day 1.

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Mondiali Di Nuoto: Sam Short 4° All Time Nei 400 Stile Libero 3:40.68

il 19enne australiano Samuel Short ha fatto tremare il record del mondo nei 400 metri stile libero maschili ai Mondiali di Fukuoka

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Short & Hafnaoui Enter List Of Top 5 Performers All-Time In 400 Freestyle

19-year-old Sam Short of Australia ripped the fastest 400m free of his life to grab gold and become the 4th fastest performer in history.