Ian Thorpe

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"For myself, losing is not coming second. It's getting out of the water knowing you could have done better. For myself, I have won every race I've been in."

Let’s Make Our Swimming All-Star Weekend

NBA All-Star Weekend is around the corner. Does a swimming All-Star Weekend exist? From celebrities to butterfly relays, here are some ideas.


Il Nostro All Star Weekend Del Nuoto

L’NBA All Star Weekend è alle porte. Esiste l’All Star Weekend del nuoto? Tra celebrità che si tuffano in acqua e staffette a farfalla ecco alcune idee.

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Nuotare Con Le Parole: Aforismi E Citazioni Che Raccontano L’Essenza Dell’Acqua

Da sempre, l’acqua ha ispirato scrittori, atleti e filosofi, dando vita a pensieri profondi e aforismi indimenticabili. Vediamone alcune

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SwimSwam Pulse: 34% Pick Sjostrom As Swimmer To Round Out Quarter Century Top Five

Sjostrom won a world title in 2009 and claimed two Olympic gold medals in 2024, making her one of the best swimmers of the past 15 years.


Changes in Swimming Record History If Super Suits Never Existed: The Past 15 Years

If the super suits from 2008 and 2009 never existed, how different would the world record books have looked over the past 15 years?


Swimmers Hubert Kós and Zsófia Konkoly Honored By Hungarian Sports Journalists’ Association

Hubert Kós (pictured) was voted Hungary’s Male Athlete of the Year, while Zsófia Konkoly took home the award for Female Para-Athlete of the Year.


Emma McKeon Premiata Atleta Dell’Anno Ai GQ Awards

Emma McKeon, l’atleta olimpica più decorata dell’Australia, aggiunge un altro prestigioso riconoscimento alla sua lunga lista di successi

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14-Time Olympic Medalist Emma McKeon Named GQ Sportsperson of the Year

The recently retired Emma McKeon was named GQ’s Sportsperson of the Year. At the Paris Games, McKeon brought her total Olympic medal haul to 14.


Duncan Scott Record Del Commonwealth Nei 400 Stile Libero: Cancella Grant Hackett Dal 2002

DUNCAN SCOTT ha stabilito il Record del Commonwealth nei 400 stile libero cancellando quello di Grant Hackett stabilito nel 2002

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Australia Adding Age Group Records For SCM And Stroke 50s

Ian Thorpe is the oldest Establishment Record holder for Australia’s new short course age group records. His records date back to 1996.


Le Rivalità Nel Nuoto Che Sono Diventate Storiche (Parte II)

Come promesso, continuiamo con altre tre rivalità epiche delle Olimpiadi che hanno affascinato i fan del nuoto di tutto il mondo.

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Top Olympic Rivalries: Part II

Brendan Hansen had a longstanding rivalry with Japan’s Kosuke Kitajima in the men’s breaststroke events throughout the early 2000s.


Record Imbattibili: Le Imprese Leggendarie Che Hanno Sfidato il Tempo

Ci sono alcuni record del mondo che restano imbattuti nonostante i decenni e che hanno consegnato alla storia del nuoto i loro autori

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Swimming’s Greatest World Records

Katie Ledecky owns two of the most dominant world records on the books, the women’s 800 free (8:04.79) and 1500 free (15:20.48).


Kaylee McKeown Named 2024 Australian Swimmer of the Year (Olympic Program)

Australian swimmer Kaylee McKeown won 5 Olympic medals in Paris, including becoming the first Australian to win four individual Olympic gold medals.