Stephanie Rice Opens up about being bullied
Stephanie Rice is a triple Olympic gold medallist, a former world record holder and is now a health and fitness…
Lessons From Legends: Shirley Babashoff, Is your best good enough?
Chuck Warner talks about Shirley Babashoff and the East German women of the 1970’s.
Rebecca Soni: How To Make the Most of a Year Off After the Olympics
Photo Credit: Tim Binning, theswimpictures
The Greatest Masters Swimming Psych Up Video Ever Made
“I dare anyone to produce a better “psych up” video than this one, profiling DI, Detroit Interracial swimming program.” (Photo and Film Credit: Fares Ksebati)
Michael Phelps Second Most Influential Athlete in United States
According to, Olympic swimming icon Michael Phelps falls behind football star Tim Tebow. Forbes reported the news based on surveys conducted…
Excerpt from Buoyant, The Book By Aaron Peirsol’s Mother
Just in time for Mother’s Day, Buoyant: How Water and Willpower Helped Wella to Channel Aaron and Hayley Peirsol has been…
NCAA Announces 2013-14 Division II Qualifying Standards
The standards for the 2013-14 NCAA Division II Swimming and Diving Championships have been released…
Australian Swimming Team Bloopers, Featured Video
This works, if you like interview flubs….and belly rolls, tongue rolls, tongues touching noses, dancing, crazy stretching (not so crazy…
Tyler Clary Aims for IndyCar Cred, Gold Medal Minute Video
Tyler Clary, 2012 London Olympic gold medalist, is more than a champion backstroker. He races cars, and loves it. It…
Boston Area Team Hosting “Marathon Swim” for Marathon Bombing Victims
With the help of new team member, and Olympic gold medalist, Rhi Jeffrey, Bernal’s Gator Swim Club is raising money for Boston Marathon victims. (Stock Photo: Janna Schulze)
FIRST: The Story of the London 2012 Olympic Games
“First” is a cinema event featuring first-time Olympic athletes, like Missy Franklin, from the 2012 London Olympic Games.
2016 US Olympic Swimming Trials, Omaha Venue Photo Vault
A glance back at the 2012 US Olympic Trials Omaha Venue (Photo Credit: Tim Binning, theswimpictures)
How Bad Do You Want It, Swimming Editions
If your swim team has created a version of this video or you’re planning to produce a version, please send to SwimSwam and we’ll post. (Photo Credit: Tim Binning, theswimpictures)
World Premier, Don’t Wake Up the Ohio State Women’s 2013 Swimming & Diving Team
The Ohio State women send off their magnificent senior class with one more music video.