Flag Mishap Causes Chaos On Day 1 Of 2025 Kosuke Kitajima Cup


  • Friday, January 24th – Sunday, January 26th
  • Tokyo Aquatics Center, Tokyo, Japan
  • LCM (50m)
  • SwimSwam Preview
  • Results

A mishap ruined the flow of action on day one of the 2025 Kosuke Kitajima Cup at Tokyo Aquatics Center.

The backstroke flags were in the incorrect position for the women’s 400m IM final tonight which rendered multiple competitors crashing into the wall or missing their turns entirely due to not being able to accurately count their strokes.

Instead of sitting at 5m from the wall, the flags flew at 2.5m.

According to Chief Referee Takanori Awai, the race started without the referees and officials noticing the mistake.

Per a report in Spinochi, Awai finally noticed when several athletes hit their heads during the 150-meter turn.

“Some athletes hit their heads and suffered whiplash-like conditions. This should never have happened. As far as I know, this has never happened before,” he said. (Spinochi)

The women’s 400m IM will be re-run tomorrow while swimmers in the race were encouraged to go to the hospital to get checked out, even if they didn’t feel any after-effects.

The men’s and women’s 200m back event was contested earlier in the session without incident as was the men’s 400m IM final which took place after the women’s.

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22 days ago

Unbelievable mistake! When i read the headline I assumed that they had put the wrong national flag alongside someone’s name and were being bizzarely made to run the race again – this didn’t even cross my mind!

Ray Bosse
22 days ago

How could that many officials miss the flags being that far off of lining up with the solid red lane lines??
The referee is ultimately responsible, but this is a gross officials screw up!

22 days ago

Shame on officiating in this instance. They are lucky this didn’t result in injury to one of the athletes. This could have ruined a season, or worse resulted in life altering injury for someone.

Last edited 22 days ago by mike
Reply to  mike
22 days ago

If multiple swimmers went head first into the wall, it almost certainly did result in some concussions at a minimum. I’m confounded as to how this happens though, were flags not in place for warm up? Also how do the officials look at the distance between the red on the lane line and the placement of the flags and not immediately stop things?

Reply to  oxyswim
22 days ago

I’m guessing they took the flags down for the 200 free and put them in the wrong spot afterward. And nobody noticed or spoke up after the 100 breast which was in between. No idea why the flagpoles would even have a hole in the deck at 2.5m unless the pool has a lot of different configurations with the bulkhead.

If this was at the 150, it would’ve been at the far end, so people probably weren’t paying as much attention to that side. And in a country that doesn’t switch between yards and meters, there’s probably less of a practice of checking flag placement.

Inexcusable though, and I can’t imagine the confusion and subsequent pain the swimmers had hitting… Read more »

22 days ago

There has to be a cultural thing happening in this situation where the subordinate officials are unwilling to point out a mistake of one of their superiors. We have plenty of incompetent officials in the USA, but I think every one of them would notice and prevent the start of a competition if the flags were 2 1/2 meters out of position.

colorado mesa #1 fan
22 days ago

bro how is this even possible

22 days ago

I had a meet where the flags just fell into the pool mid 200 backstroke when i was in college, thankfully nobody was hurt but it still made me anxious at every turn for a couple of weeks

Last edited 22 days ago by CasualSwimmer
cow from china
22 days ago

What on earth

About Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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