Beginning December 1, 2009, the FTC requires websites to provide disclosures whenever there could be hidden interest or unspoken biases related to recommendations.
First, the obvious: We have fantastic ad partners who pay to appear on this site. Occasionally, those partners are invited to tell us more about their products or services, and post an article. It is unlikely they would write anything less than glowing about their product or service. Please keep in mind that these types of product or service reviews, explanations, instructions, videos or articles will always be posted with the ad partners’ name as the poster, so there is no confusion.
If we ( are asked to review products or services, and receive products or services for free to do so or we receive cash payment unrelated to an advertisement to do so, we will note this in the article. Once the review is complete, the product or service will be returned/discontinued.
And in case it’s not obvious: products and services we, or our partners talk about on are meant to be helpful to the swimming community. We don’t guarantee ANY outcome: ain’t nothin’ on the market that’s going to turn you in to Michael Phelps.
Second, the not so obvious: Per the FTC rules, if we interview someone and they buy us a cup of coffee, we’re supposed to tell you this. If someone sends us a t-shirt with a logo, and we wear it in a photo, same deal. When someone charters us a private jet, flies us to the Bahamas, and brings us fruity drinks, we’re supposed to let you know. We’re disappointed to say that this hasn’t yet happened, but if it does—and we really hope it does—we will let you know in the article.