1968 Olympian Eadie Wetzel Davis – Moving Family Tribute Video

This swimming video and the message below was shared courtesy of the USA Swimming Foundation and Whit and Casey Hansen, sons of Eadie Wetzel Davis.

For those of you who know and love Eadie Wetzel, the story revealed in this message may leave you both stunned and saddened, just like it’s left many of us at USA Swimming and the USA Swimming Foundation. For those of you who haven’t had the good fortune of knowing Eadie,
we ask that you take a few minutes to learn about this dynamic woman whose life was shaped and enriched through the sport of swimming.

The thought provoking video tribute of Eadie’s life journey was created by her sons, Whit and Casey Hansen.

Whit and Casey not only ask, but encourage you to share Eadie’s story with your family, friends and through your own social media outlets.

Cards and notes are welcome! Whit and Casey request messages to Eadie be upbeat, full of love and good wishes. Please honor their wishes by refraining from writing expressions of sadness or sorrow.

Send your mail to:
Eadie Wetzel Davis
c/o Casey Hansen
377 Rector Place, Apt 18D
New York, NY 10280

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Frederick Gunning
9 years ago

I was talking with Tom Farrell and Tom mentioned how Eadie lite up a room with her beauty and personality. I was taken back when I found out Eadie had ALS. Linda ,if you read this I know you have lost a true friend as so many have . One day– and I truly believe this we will all swim again in the same pool of love and happiness. Now it’s time for you to have a peaceful rest . Your friend Fred Gunning

Jennifer Heiner
10 years ago

I love Eadie! She helped plan my wedding, had the rehearsal dinner at her home and did all of the flowers for the special day. That was Eadie- always giving to others. She got me through a divorce, babysat my kids, fed me, tried to fix me up… Eadie has been my fairy Godmother. Now she is my Angel! I love you Eadie.

Bruce Steiner
10 years ago

It was privilege to swim with Eadie when she was at the top of her swimming career. We swam for Lake Forest Swim Club. In the summer of 68, we got to have extra noontime practices in 50 meter pool in Park Ridge. I was there when set her world records and at the trials in LA. All of us swimming in the trials flew out together, I don’t remember her staying for the men’s trials, she probably went off to train with the women.
In trials at Long Beach, I was sixth in the 1,500. That was as close as I got to making a national team. In practice, I usually led the lane during repeats. Maybe, I… Read more »

Lynn Parfitt
10 years ago

Eadie, over the past few years we have been tracking down our old Portage Park Swim Team members for reunions. Your name kept coming up as missing until one of our members saw your family video. We were all happy to locate you so we could share some of the many emails and updates on lives that our always going around. We were all saddened to hear of your illness, but so proud to have known you and shared a part of your blessed life as a friend and one our our members who became an Olympian, a beautiful lady and a mother who is truly loved by her family. We would love to hear from you and put your… Read more »

10 years ago

Eadie was the best person ever for Coach Karl Sutter to train in the Lake Forest Swim Club. She trained fast with a 1.1 tempo all the time. She was happy go-lucky, always with a smile, and leading by doing. Swimmers never caught her but were better swimmers and people for chasing her. We trained in 9 different pools on Chicago’s north shore (Skokie to Lake Bluff) during the 20,000 meter era with meets that started at 8 AM and finished at 1 AM. Sometimes the swimmers were notified of the AM pool practice by phone the nite before. Three days a week we did; AM, noon and PM. The coaches were so frazzled writing workouts twice a week we’d… Read more »

Vicki Swisher
10 years ago

Eadie is one of my dearest friends, She is an amazing athlete and funny!! We shared so many fun times together. She helped me paint almost every room in my house and even stepped into the bucket of paint. Always ready to do something creative and adored her boys, I love you girlfriend. You are in my thoughts alot and praying for good days for you! hugs to you from me Logan and Griffin. Whit and Casey you are wonderful sons.Thank you for taking such great care of her.

10 years ago

To the Davis family, I am really sorry to see your mother go. This is a moving video tribute and it is heartbreaking to see someone go this way. Peace be with you.

10 years ago

Found this YouTube video about Eadie.

About Gold Medal Mel Stewart

Gold Medal Mel Stewart

MEL STEWART Jr., aka Gold Medal Mel, won three Olympic medals at the 1992 Olympic Games. Mel's best event was the 200 butterfly. He is a former World, American, and NCAA Record holder in the 200 butterfly. As a writer/producer and sports columnist, Mel has contributed to Yahoo Sports, Universal Sports, …

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