Alan Fritz

South Africa Sport Minister Vows Change To Swimming SA: “I’m Coming There Like a Thunderstorm”

“I see people have extended their contracts – that nonsense will not happen this year,” Sport Minister Gayton McKenzie said of the SSA executive committee.


Swimming South Africa Officials Investigated For Handling of Abuse Complaint

An advocacy group triggered a police investigation of Swimming South Africa officials accused of failing to bring sex abuse allegations to the authorities.

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Swimming South Africa Annuncia La Squadra Nazionale Per La Stagione 2020/21

Swimming South Africa ha rivelato le selezioni della sua Nazionale per la stagione 2020/21. Sono state formate le squadre di nuoto ed open water

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South Africa Includes Racial Component in National Team Selection

The Swimming South Africa National Team selection criteria reads fairly straightforward, but there is a notable clause related to race within several of the squads’ determination criteria.