International Swimming League: Recap Live Giorno 2 Match 3
International Swimming League A Budapest sta per iniziare il Day 2 del Match 3. Il nostro recap live con i risultati e tempi
Former New York Breakers Land Top Splits for New Teams at Match 3, Day 1 of ISL
Ali DeLoof of the LA Current is one of a number of top swimmers who swam leading splits on day 1 of match 3 of the 2020 ISL season.
International Swimming League: Recap Live Match 3 Day 1
-International Swimming League: A Budapest va in scena il Match 3. In acqua anche le due nuove squadre, i Totonto Titans e Tokyo Frog
Match 2 International Swimming League: Album Fotografico
International Swimming League: Match 2. Grazie alle immagini di Mike Lewis e Mine Kasapoglu riviviamo le emozioni del secondo match
Apple’s 45.9 Lead-Off Propels DC To First-Ever ISL Relay Victory
Apple led off in 45.98, his fourth sub-46 swim of the match, as the Trident held off London to win the mixed 400 freestyle relay.
2020 ISL Match 2 – Day 2 Live Recap
Guilherme Guido & Christian Diener wracked up major points in the back for London Roar, leading coach Mel Marshall to select the discipline for today’s skins.
International Swimming League: Recap Live Con Risultati Match 2 Day2
Benvenuti nel nostro recap live del secondo giorno di gare del Match 2 della international Swimming league Risultati e classifica
Relay Analysis: Apple Torches Pair of 45-Point Free Splits For DC Trident
Apple split 45.15 on the 400 free relay, and then followed up with a 45.43 anchor on the medley.
Trofeo Settecolli: Le Immagini Più Belle Dell’Edizione 2020
Trofeo Settecolli: Le immagini più belle dell’edizione 2020 scattate dai fotografi Scala Staccioli e Masini dell’agenzia fotografica italiana Deepbluemedia
Best Images from the 2020 Settecolli Trophy (PHOTO VAULT)
2020 Settecolli Trophy ended in Rome, Italy. We’ve collected the most beautiful image of the event courtesy of the Italian agency Deepbluemedia
Récord mundial junior de Benedetta Pilato y magnífico segundo día en Roma
La nadadora de 15 años supera una histórica marca de Ruta Meilutyte, vigente durante 7 temporadas, y también alcanza el récord absoluto italiano.
2020 Sette Colli Trophy: Day 2 Finals Live Recap
Italy’s 200 fly ace Federico Burdisso will be in the water on day 2 of this year’s Sette Colli Trophy, which doubles as the national championships.
El Campeonato Italiano inicia con récord de Gabriele Detti en los 400 libre
El medallista olímpico y mundial es el atleta más destacado en la primera jornada del Trofeo Settecolli, que marca el regreso de la competición en Italia.
2020 Sette Colli Trophy: Day 1 Finals Live Recap
World champion Simona Quadarella is just one of the elite Italian swimmers ready to rumble in Rome at this year’s Sette Colli Trophy.
Trofeo Settecolli Day 1: Detti, Di Pietro Super – I Risultati Completi
Trofeo Settecolli Day1: Il report delle gare del primo giorno. Gabriele Detti, Silvia Di Pietro eMartina Caramignoli si mostrano in splendida forma