Michael Phelps

View Michael Phelps's Biography

“If you want to be the best, you have to do things other people aren’t willing to do.”

Anteprime Mondiali Nuoto 2023: La Caccia Al WR Nei 400 Misti Maschili

Prepariamoci a vivere sette giorni di nuoto di altissimo livello ai Mondiali di nuoto 2023 conoscendo i protagonisti e le sfide più emozionanti

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2023 World Champs Previews: Léon Marchand and the Quest for the 400 IM World Record

After rattling one of the oldest world records on the opening night of 2022 Worlds, all eyes will be on Leon Marchand in the 400 IM as he aims for history.


Caeleb Dressel “C’Erano Cose Più Importanti Del Nuoto” (Intervista Tradotta)

Caeleb Dressel ha raccontato i mesi lontano dal nuoto, cosa ha fatto ed il suo nuovo modo di approcciarsi al nuoto ed alla vita

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Caeleb Dressel Confident About Career ‘Longevity’ With New Outlook on Swimming

Caeleb Dressel like he had a weight lifted off his shoulders this week, beaming with optimism despite failing to qualify for the World Championships.


Fukuoka 2023: Chase Kalisz se aseguró un lugar en los libros

Gracias a su segundo lugar en los 400 metros combinados de los Nacionales, se convirtió en el séptimo estadounidense en formar parte de seis Mundiales.

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SwimSwam Pulse: 53.9% Favor Marchand To Win 200 Fly World Title In Milak’s Absence

Leon Marchand and Tomoru Honda are set to have an epic showdown for gold in the men’s 200 fly at the World Championships with Kristof Milak out.


Thomas Heilman Breaks Own 15-16 NAG Record (Again) With 51.19 100 Butterfly

16-year-old Thomas Heilman added the 100 butterfly to his Worlds lineup after finishing in second place on Thursday night.


Thomas Heilman Breaks Own NAG With 51.78 100 Butterfly in Prelims

Thomas Heilman broke his own NAG record swimming a 51.78 in prelims of the 100 fly. He was 6th and will swim in the A final tonight.


Thomas Heilman 1:54.54 200 Fly RACE ANALYSIS

Thomas Heilman continued his ascent as one of the best age group swimmers of all-time last night, breaking Michael Phelps’ 15-16 NAG in the 200m fly

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Thomas Heilman on 200 Fly: “Last year at this meet I think I was 1:58”

Heilman discusses his improvement curve over the last two years as well as idolizing Michael Phelps and Caeleb Dressel.


La Classifica Dei Record Del Mondo Che Resistono Da Più Anni

Quali sono i Record del Mondo in vasca lunga che resistono da più tempo? Quello di Phelps nei 400 misti è stato stabilito quasi 21 anni fa

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Katie Ledecky Nuota Il Terzo Tempo All Time Negli 800 Stile Libero

Katie Ledecky ha nuotato ai Trials gli 800 stile libero in 8:07.07, il terzo tempo più veloce nella storia e anche il più veloce dal 2016

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Thomas Heilman Breaks Michael Phelps’ NAG Record with 1:54.54 200 Fly

16 year old Thomas Heilman became the youngest male qualifier for Worlds or the Olympics since Michael Phelps.


Michael Phelps Becomes the Longest Standing LCM World Record Holder in Modern History

June 27, 2023 marks 20 years, 316 days since Phelps set the world record in the 400 IM, making him the longest standing world record holder in LCM.


Thomas Heilman Cancella Il Record Di Categoria Di Phelps Nei 200 Farfalla

Il 16enne Thomas Heilman ha battuto il record nazionale di categoria di Michael Phelps nuotando in 1:54.54 nei 200 farfalla maschili

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