In the Calm Before the Storm, Sutton and Ryan Win Day 1 Distance Events in Charlotte

Most minds were fully focused on the 50-meter showdown between Cullen Jones and Josh Schneider from the 1st night of the Charlotte Grand Prix, it wasn’t the only race of the night (we’ve given the swim-off its own post here, to keep everything nice and compartmentalized). The non-Olympic distance events sandwiched the big event, with the faster heats coming before.

Chloe Sutton started the meet off right with a 16:16.11. That ranks as the 9th-best time in the world this year, and is the 3rd-fastest time of Sutton’s career (just missing her suited times from the 2009 World Championships). After the race, she described the swim as “super easy,” and estimated that her heart-rate stayed below 120 until the final sprint to the finish. I think that my heart rate might get above 120 just thinking about her potential, if she can swim that fast and describe it as super easy.

The runner-up was Venezuelan National Record holder Andreina Pinto in 16:18.79. Pinto’s a little better in the shorter 400 and 800, but at only 19, she’s about 6-months younger than Sutton, and her mark puts her 11th in the world this year. Like Sutton, the Gator Swim Club trainee has a bright future.

Unlike most of the field, most of the big-time men’s distance swimmers – Michael Klueh, Arthur Frayler, Ous Mellouli – sat the meet out. Peter Vanderkaay was originally entered in this race, but unsurprisingly took a scratch. This gave 18-year old Michigan freshman Sean Ryan an open door to take the event title in 8:11.10: a solid, but not spectacular, time. This puts him .01 behind Frayler as the 3rd-fastest American this year in a race that the US doesn’t put much focus on as a nation.

The runner-up was Mission Viejo’s Joseph Arnold in 8:12.14.

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13 years ago

Actually I rather enjoy Chloe’s enthusiastic tweets!

Loved her good-natured ribbing of Missy Franklin after being foiled for fastest time in this morning’s 200 prelims…her comment of “Darn that Missy :)” (or something to the effect) brought a lil smile to my face lol

kell letmil
13 years ago

Yep heard that not only does it not count but it is at the beginning and it is not even an olympic event. Her coach said save as much energy as possible- don’t let your heart rate get up and take it at the very end….She is a sweet girl and a real winner!

13 years ago

Chloe needs to learn how to let her swimming do her talking. A LTB and a 120 heartrate? Some girl from Venezuela almost went as fast as she did…. if it was so easy, why didn’t she try and break 16:00?!?!/

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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