The Top 10 Water Safety Rules in honor International Water Safety Day

Swimming video is courtesy of Eve and Candace, the world’s foremost unknown swim vloggers (now kind of famous for swim vlogging).

IWSD is designed to spread global awareness of the ongoing drowning pandemic, and to educate the youth of the world in becoming safer in and around water.  It’s a day to spread drowning awareness and water safety education by any means possible.  The lack of water safety education has propelled drownings worldwide.

Through interdependence, we can change that.

Help spread drowning awareness and water safety education on May 15th!

 Your impact can be felt simply by taking a few seconds to do any or all of the following:

  1.  share the “Global Drowning Pandemic” video
  2. use #watersafetyday and #stopdrowning hashtags
  3. download and brandish some IWSD artwork on your website or blog

About Us Eve and Candace

Since 2009 Eve and Candace have been bringing humor, moxie and unique insight to their self appointed role as “The World’s Foremost Unknown Swim Vloggers” – having posted 85 videos and counting to their youtube channel. Continually inspired by the athletic feats of the swimmers they have come to love, Eve and Candace are taking their swimmer love to the next level in 2013. In addition to humorous tweeting and delightfully low budget vlogging, Eve and Candace are channeling their enthusiasm and passion for men in Speedos to support the sport of swimming even further.

Swimming News is courtesy of IWSD.

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6 years ago

I am doing a water safety presentation on May 9, and I am going to use this video in it. Thank You

9 years ago

Well done, Eve and Candace! 🙂