Ba Zhen

El TAD Publica La Decisión En El Caso Sun Y Critica Su Falta De Remordimiento

El Tribunal de Árbitros en el Deporte (TAD) ha publicado el documento completo con su decisión en el caso de Sun Yang. Dicho documento cuenta con 78 páginas.

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Sun, Pubblicato Documento Sulle Motivazioni: “Non Ha Espresso Rimorso”

Pubblicato il documento integrale sulle motivazioni della sentenza di 8 anni di squalifica per Sun Yang a partire dal 28 febbraio 2020

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CAS Publishes Full Sun Yang Decision Document, Criticizes Sun’s Lack of Remorse

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has released its full decision document from the high-profile Sun Yang case, which sentenced an 8-year suspension.


Sun Yang’s Mother Alleges Chinese Swimming Association Was Behind 2014 Coverup

In a since-deleted social media post, Ming Yang reportedly explained how the CSA manipulated her son’s 2014 three-month suspension.


Il Daily Telegraph Pubblica Il Rapporto Completo Della FINA Sul Caso Sun Yang

Articolo in inglese a cura di Braden Keith Il quotidiano australiano The Daily Telegraph ha ottenuto e pubblicato il rapporto…

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WADA Publishes List of 114 Banned Athlete Support Personnel

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has published a list of athlete support personnel who have been banned from associating with athletes due to anti-doping violations.


Sun Yang’s doctor Ba Zhen has suspension extended after treating Sun during Asian Games

Ba Zhen, the suspended doctor of Chinese distance swimmer Sun Yang, has had his suspension extended by FINA after he reportedly violated the rules by treating Sun at last fall’s Asian Games, when Ba was still suspended.