Cody Miller, Annie Lazor, and Laura Morley Are Resting for PSS Bloomington

Cody Miller is the king of swim vlogging, and sits at the head of the table of a number of swimmers (Michael Andrew being a notable name) who have begun to post videos about their lives, their training, their diets, and a wide range of other topics, on their personal YouTube channels. What’s become most interesting is that these vlogs are also, apparently, reaching even non-swimming people, according to a recent post by Miller.

While the peak behind the curtain of some of the world’s greatest athletes is an immense value in-and-of itself, these vlogs also provide something for the news-hounds in the crowd: an occasional slip of a piece of information that gives important context to what we’re seeing at the meets.

Example: Cody Miller, in his latest video titled “TAPER PERFECTLY, the Formula,” indicated that at least 3 members off the Indiana training group are going to be rested for this weekend’s home stop of the Pro Swim Series in Bloomington. Besides Miller, Annie Lazor and Laura Worley, at least, join Miller on the “taper train” from the IU breaststroke group.

Lazor currently ranks 4th in the world in the 100 breaststroke and 6th in the world in the 200 breaststroke this season, which has been a huge breakout for her in long course, building off her short course World Championship in December. She’s already been lifetime best sin the 100 and 200 breaststrokes this season, meaning  Morley is a former Bahamas National Record holder.

The timing of the mid-season test makes a lot of sense. Because the meet is being held in Bloomington, in their home pool, this provides a continuous, controllable block to line up for fast racing. The meet is also about 2-and-a-half months away from the Pan American Games, which is where all 3 swimmers have their summer focus (Lazor and Miller are on the US team, and while the Bahamas have not yet announced their roster, this is usually a big focus meet for them). That’s very similar timing to the December taper meet in a collegiate season on approach to conference championship season, so that’s a pattern that both athletes and coaches at Indiana will be well-versed in.

Miller explains the main set early in the video, which includes using pulleys with 100 pounds on them.

Watch Miller’s full vlog below:


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Swim Addict
5 years ago

Cody goes 59.1 and 2:09.8 Annie goes 1:05.3 and 2:21.7? I wanna hear predictions

Reply to  Swim Addict
5 years ago

Cody 59.4, 2:11.2
Annie 1:05.8, 2:22.4

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  Hswimmer
5 years ago

I like these, but I’d put Cody more at 59.7 (or worse).

Reply to  Hswimmer
5 years ago

Annie has already been 2:22 this season you don’t think she will drop much more?

Reply to  Swim Addict
5 years ago

Cody 59.8
Annie 1:06.5, 2:22.7

Reply to  Swim Addict
5 years ago

100 – 59.77
200 – 2:10.67

100 – 1:06.56
200 – 2:22.32

Reply to  seans
5 years ago

Honestly I feel like Cody can get a 59 low. He seems to be in top form at the moment and a good taper should have him maybe .5 off his best time.

X Glide
5 years ago

With how consistently fast Annie Lazor’s been swimming, anyone excited to see what she can throw down?

5 years ago

Cody slid down the rankings last year after an injury didn’t heal in time for the big meet.

He’s going to have to return to form to stay ahead of his competition (like the two Andrews – Michael Andrew and Andrew Wilson).

Reply to  marklewis
5 years ago

Men’s 100 breast is some of the deepest competition I’ve ever seen. In 2020 you’re going to have Cody Miller, Kevin Cordes, Michael Andrew, Nick Fink, Andrew Wilson, Ian Finnerty, and maybe Reece Whitley up there.

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  Nate
5 years ago

Deep, but slow.

Reply to  Ol' Longhorn
5 years ago

true, the only potential sub 59s are the 2 andrews and maybe finnerty imo. dont see miller or cordes going back there. and even then, probably nobody will be much under 59s

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  anonymoose
5 years ago

Finnerty has been terrible (comparatively) long course. Hope that changes. I wonder what McHugh could do by then. He was 1:01 when he was doing 51 high SCY a year ago.

Reply to  Nate
5 years ago

Don’t forget Prenot and Licon, also McHugh could get in the mix after a great NCAAs

Reply to  USA
5 years ago

Yeah you’re right. There’s going to be so much talent in that final heat

Curious Swimma
Reply to  USA
5 years ago

Let’s not forget Nowicki that had a breakout performance this past summer

Coach John
5 years ago

Still got her that “W”

Mr Piano
5 years ago

His dolphin kicks should be at their peak now.

Reply to  Mr Piano
5 years ago

Yea maybe he can get 3 or 4 in each pullout at his home pool

Reply to  Mr Piano
5 years ago

Can someone from swimswam ask him about this?

Reply to  DRUKSTOP
5 years ago

swimswam is too PC for that

Reply to  Mr Piano
5 years ago

If you actually keep up with his vlogs and watch his underwater shots there is distinctly only 1 kick.
Practice how you race.

Ol' Longhorn
Reply to  B-Love
5 years ago

He dolphin kicks with his right foot on every stroke. He’s the guy to the right of Peaty at 10:59 in this video

Reply to  B-Love
5 years ago

Why would he keep clips of extra dolphin kicks in his vlogs?

Ol' Longhorn
5 years ago

Maybe he’ll break a minute.

5 years ago

Laura Morley is my queen

5 years ago

is something missing in the paragraph talking about Annie Lazor’s recent improvement? I don’t get the last sentence if it is about Lazor…
“She’s already been lifetime best sin the 100 and 200 breaststrokes this season, meaning Morley is a former Bahamas National Record holder.”

50 free
Reply to  spectatorn
5 years ago


Reply to  50 free
5 years ago

it makes some sense with “meanwhile” (though still odd to put both swimmers in the same sentence while there is almost no connection between the facts that Lazor swam lifetime best in this season and Morley is former Bahamas NR holder)… I was wondering when Lazor starts to represent Bahamas that her times beat out Morley’s. LOL.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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